Artist Picture

Peter Hatch


Peter Hatch is a former member of the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra and the Grant Park Music Festival bass sections. He began his musical education through the public school system in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. While studying privately with Lyric Opera of Chicago bassist Andrew Anderson, Hatch served as the co-principal bassist of the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra. By age 15, Hatch had traveled to Germany, France, Belgium, and Spain with the Blue Lake International Symphony Orchestra and the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra. Later, he was named Principal Bass of the Illinois All-State Honors Orchestra for two consecutive years. Exploring interests in other musical genres, he also held the bass position in the top Illinois All-State Jazz Band.

Hatch received his Bachelor of Music from Rice University’s Shepherd School of Music where he studied with Timothy Pitts. During this time, he performed with the Houston Symphony and San Antonio Symphony on numerous occasions as a substitute musician. A champion of diverse repertoire, he has performed in outdoor concerts, movie film scores, pops concerts, fiestas for Hispanic Heritage Month, and the Houston Symphony’s Opening Night Gala. Upon graduation, Hatch was awarded the Louis Sudler Prize in the Arts, an award “recognizing outstanding performance and promise in an undergraduate at Rice in architecture, art/art history, or music.”

Hatch holds a Master of Music from The Juilliard School as a proud recipient of the Kovner Fellowship. In addition to performing with the Kansas City Symphony, the Lyric Opera of Chicago, the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, the Grant Park Music Festival, and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, he has performed alongside his teachers Harold Robinson and Rex Surany in the Philadelphia Orchestra and the Metropolitan Opera. He is also a winner of the ISB Orchestra Competition which gave him the opportunity to perform Beethoven’s ninth symphony with the Minnesota Orchestra.